Email Marketing Automation

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 You’re generating leads but struggling to engage and convert them efficiently. The gap between lead generation and follow-up is costing you valuable conversions.

You find that operational communications are essential but often time-consuming, leaving less room for strategic marketing efforts.

In an environment where competitors constantly offer new incentives and services, keeping your customers engaged and loyal is increasingly challenging.

You’re facing the challenge of limited resources—be it time, budget, or labor force—making it difficult to execute comprehensive marketing strategies effectively.


Sound Familiar?

We hear you.

Simply put, the issues of keeping customers engaged, expanding the reach and effectiveness of your time, and the ability to gather and act on lead generation can all be addressed by automating selected marketing processes and campaigns.

Marketing automation can help you:

  • Reach your contacts faster
  • Increase engagement
  • Centralize lead management reporting
  • Align your marketing goals and increase digital marketing ROI.

However, gone are the days of email marketing being one facet of a multi-channel growth strategy. Automated messaging is an integral part of an omnichannel marketing plan that should include communication through email, social media channels, and even SMS text messages.


Get Personal

Marketing automation platforms allow your financial institution to deliver personalized communications at the right time and scale.

In fact, creating hyper-personalized automations can help you further surprise and delight your current and potential clients. Employing email segmentation assists in creating a communication plan that shows you know and understand the challenges and needs of your FI members.

To this end, we’ve created a complete guide to email segmentation that speaks to the specific needs of financial institutions.

Download the Guide

What can marketing automation do for my financial institution?

Personalized service creates loyalty. Ernst & Young reported that 40% of customers said they would be more likely to stay with their financial services provider if it offered more personalized service. At BankBound, interact with and talk to hundreds of financial institutions each month. We understand what it takes to support and uplift your marketing efforts. Marketing automation is one of those ways. By reducing lag time in lead generation follow-up, engaging customers, and creating a personalized customer journey, marketing automation solidifies your brand and customer connection and loyalty. Read on to see just some of the ways we’ve put these ideas into practice with our clients.

Generate Leads:

  • Uploading specific client data and getting alerts about content they’re interacting with on the website (e.g. business client viewing lines of credit page)
  • Deliver new blog posts to subscribers
  • Offer secondary conversion actions if a user isn’t ready to fully commit (e.g. first time home buyer guide download)
  • Customized product lead forms with follow up emails
  • Landing page creation

Convert Leads:

  • Customize emails with variable data (e.g. mention the closest branch for each customer, use different imagery or content)
  • Customize landing pages with variable data
  • Sales team alerts
  • Lead scoring
  • Behavioral email marketing
  • Sales CRM
  • Enhanced analytics and reporting

Engage Customers:

  • Deliver onboarding email drip campaign
  • Solicit online reviews
  • Promote branch events
  • Deliver NPS surveys
  • Profile-based targeting for cross-selling email campaigns
  • Segment customer data, then export for other marketing channels (like Facebook Ads)
  • Time-specific communications (e.g. turning a certain age, change of address, birthday, etc)
  • Publish updates to social media profiles

Manage Operational Communications:

  • Account alerts and bank updates
  • Informational emails sent to customers after they take out a loan or new product
  • Deliver compliance communications

Why Does Marketing Automation Matter?

Marketing automation doesn’t just increase efficiency and save on resources. It gets results. Marketing automation generates significant new revenue.

  • According to HubSpot, companies that automate lead management see a 10% or more bump in revenue in 6-9 months.
  • Businesses that nurture leads make 50% more sales at a cost of 33% less than non-nurtured prospects.
  • Almost 50% of businesses are using some form of email marketing automation.
  • In the U.S., marketing automation software is expected to grow 20% annually.
  • Leveraging automation can also serve to accelerate other digital marketing efforts.

By making automation part of your digital strategy, you can perform marketing tasks and gather data in a fraction of the time. Marketing automation will help you gain insights into the entire interaction history of everyone who visits your website.

Marketing Automation Agency vs In-House Management

There are many tools for various marketing automation functions, and researching email marketing automation software, social media platforms, and the ins and outs of digital advertising can be time-consuming.

Why waste valuable resources when you can get a robust platform without the need to learn the complexities of marketing automation? With a marketing automation agency, you’ll get:

  • A marketing specialist who is familiar with automating emails, scheduling social media, and monitoring and reporting on SEO and PPC.
  • A dedicated partner who will do all the behind-the-scenes work and provide you with easy-to-understand insights, knowledge, and recommendations to help you take advantage of the latest marketing automation tools.
  • Once the plan is approved, your specialist will tie everything together to segment your clients and prospects so that they receive the right messages to the right audience.

Marketing agencies have the time, skills, and technical knowledge to create, execute, and manage your marketing automation.

Your marketing automation specialist drives traffic to your website and nurtures your leads so you can focus on closing deals and other initiatives.

Why Partner With BankBound?

BankBound works exclusively with community banks and local credit unions.

Our experienced digital marketing specialists stay current with digital marketing and financial industry trends and are certified in various marketing automation platforms.

Our expertise in the banking industry, coupled with shared insights from our existing clients, allows us to truly become an extension of your marketing team.

We are more than just a marketing automation and lead management agency. We go the extra mile for our partners, ensuring online marketing efforts match offline campaigns and leveraging data to ensure the best possible ROI.

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